Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Hey everyone,
It's been a while since I last updated this blog, mostly because I was too busy with my food blog (if you have time you should definitely check that out!)

So what has been up with my life?
Nothing too dramatic, you know, just kinda quit my first full time job ever. *GASP*
I know, I know, I've only worked there for 1 year, why quit so quick??

Ok, let me calm down *take a deep breathe*

Let me start from the beginning ...
When I graduated from college, I started my first job ever at a department store as sales manager (OH LALA, GLAM ... NOT).

Let's be honest, a 21 year old, who's fresh out of college getting the position as a sales manager for a reputable department store does sound pretty sweet at first! Before I started, I was super excited about this new chapter of my life, nothing will ever be the same, I will be working class women making decent amount of salary, YAY! LIFE IS GOOD!

When I first started training for the position, I had SO much passion and enthusiasm, ready to conquer the world! I always had one question that I kept asking myself "Why does everyone else seem so miserable and negative? I LOVE MY JOB!" That lasted for about ... 3 months, then reality kicks in.
Once training period was over, I started to realize why everyone around me acted the way they did. There were always so much work!! Not just your work, but other people's work as well. Since we were a team, we all had to pretty much finish other people's work.
That's not even the most important part, the most important part was, I was miserable!
For a whole year, I didn't get to hang out with my friends, I didn't get to do anything fun, because when I'm off at home (Which are normally weekdays when other people are working), I just want to stay home and relax because I am too tired from work.
When everyone else is celebrating the holidays, I'm working 12-14 hours a day >.<

I'm too young to have to sacrifice my life for work!
There are so many places I want to go, so many friends I want to see, so many holidays I want to spend with my family, but because of this job, I can't!
I was making decent money, but the only thing I could do to celebrate my paychecks was to shop online. I was not interested in shopping in stores at all! The only time of the day when I can relax is when I get home, after shower, right before bed.

Don't get me wrong, I still loved what I did, I just didn't love the hours that I had to put into doing it, I also did not like the people who didn't do their share of the job, which at the end we all had to do.

So, that's when I decided, retail might not be for me.
If you are a family oriented person, who loves to spend time with friends and family, retail might not be for you either.

That's it for now,

Till next time!

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