Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Carbonated Drinks Make You Old?

STOP DRINKING SODA! (or any Carbonated drinks)
Just two cans a week will make you much older than you should be and your bones will be easily fractured!
Take care :)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

My Boyfriend :)

My boyfriend is not a sweetheart, but he’s learning.
My boyfriend is not the cutest guy in the world, but he is true to me.
My boyfriend is not the most romantic person, but who really is?
My boyfriend yells at me all the time, but that’s because I was not eating.
It has been almost 2 years…
He has changed so much, in a good way :)
We are learning and improving everyday.
Although there might be a chance that we become Strangers, Again…
I’m really really glad that I have met him. <3
Be grateful for what you have :)

Spring :)

a picture I took in Brooklyn :)
This is spring!

Hello Bloggers!

Hello there,
first post ever!!!!
this post is delicates to my dearest Miss Piggy!
Ok, that is it for today, byebye <3